
I can’t wait to learn more about you and the vision that is in your soul.

Know this:

Filling out this application is a life-changing process.

It opens the door to possibility AND things begin to shift for you the moment you press that button and declare, “Yes, I am ready for an adventure”.

Now, is the time.

"*" indicates required fields

Have fun with this question! Now is the time to dive deep and share what your soul has been craving, and journal through ALL of it. What do you feel? What do you imagine? What are your biggest dreams for yourself? What motivates you most to change the world? Where do you see your life in 1 year, 3 years, 5 years? What impact are you making on the world?
Share it all-there is no wrong answer! Where are you feeling stuck? What are your frustrations? You can give me the answer you think is right but also share your feelings in the moment. What's coming up that you're scared to share? What is painful or aggravating or something that simply feels impossible to shift?
This can be something in you want to change in your life or some kind of a shift you want to make in your career/business. Or Both. If you imagine your ideal reality 6 months-1 year from now what would your life look like what would you be experiencing?
What is going on currently in your life that makes you feel like now is the time to make a change?
How ready do you feel to embark on this journey and do the work necessary to transform your life?*
This may not be a fun question, but it's an important one, just to check-in with yourself and observe what fears come up for you in the process of applying for this adventure. Be present with what is there, know that you can move through any fear, and honor where you are in the moment.
Which of these best describes your financial situation?