A person that seeks to expand their consciousness and evolve into the best version of themselves.
A true CEO knows deep in their soul that they are here to be a leader in service to the evolution of humanity.
A true CEO knows that “the key” to leading the way, that “the key” to making the Big Impact that they came to make is in the conscious evolution of themselves first and foremost.
A true CEO is a visionary – and has a vision for the world they want to live in and for the person that they want to Be in that world.
A true CEO understands that “the impact” that they are here to make will permeate through all space and time.
A true CEO is willing to show up and do “the work” that it takes to Evolve and Be the Leader that can accomplish the mission that their soul came here to accomplish.
A true CEO feels a sense of urgency and knows that NOW IS THE TIME to step up and lead the way for others.