Chief Evolutionary Officer

Angie Bostick

On a Mission
To Change the World
By Helping Visionary Leaders
Step Into the Truth of Who They Are and
Be the true Chief Evolutionary Officers
They Were Born to Be

Hi, I’m Angie and I’m so glad you’re here! 

I believe in coincidences, connections and collaborations to create change in the world. If something about my story resonates with you or if something inside of you is drawn to my work, please reach out. I love getting to know fellow visionaries and would love to get to know more about YOU! 


As long as I can remember I have had this innate knowing that we were all put here on this planet with THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB ~ the job of evolving ourselves…spiritually, first and foremost, and evolving ourselves in all the other ways too.

I know that when we evolve the people around us evolve. 

I believe in connecting and collaborating and I believe that the conscious evolution of ourselves is literally the key to changing the world.

As a successful entrepreneur in the industry of veterinary specialty medicine, I built two businesses and really felt like I was making a difference. I was working with all the key players, speaking at the conferences and was even considered by many to be an industry visionary. I was really proud of the work we were doing and I knew that we were impacting the industry in a positive way and helping people change their lives and their businesses.

But, I was restless. There was something inside of me that told me I was meant to do more. That I was meant to make an even bigger impact on the world.

I made the tough decision to sell my businesses and walk away from the industry that I loved.

At the time, I really had no idea what I was being called to do, I just knew that I had to focus on healing and evolving myself first and trust that everything would unfold.

I took off on what I called an Evolutionary Adventure. I traveled around the country and the world using the hashtag #AlwaysBeCEO as a reminder that my only job was to heal and evolve my soul, to Be the Chief Evolutionary Officer of my life.

On this ever-evolving, ongoing, adventure I have visited some of the most beautiful places, experienced magical coincidences and powerful connections.

I have evolved. And as it happens, as I evolved AlwaysBeCEO evolved too.

Now, as the CEO & Founder of AlwaysBeCEO, a business designed to help visionaries evolve and Be the true CEO’s they were born to Be, I am saying yes to my soul’s calling and inspiring others to do the same!

My team and I curate custom evolutionary adventures for the visionary leader that is ready to EVOLVE their life and change the world. 

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