Meet Your Guides

Angie Bostick

Chief Evolutionary Officer

As an experienced CEO, Angie Bostick has walked the path of business leadership. She successfully founded and sold a national recruiting company to one of the largest emergency veterinary hospital chains.

Now, Angie combines her CEO experience with her rediscovered gifts as a channel and shamanic healer to guide other leaders on profound evolutionary adventures. As the CEO & Founder of AlwaysBeCEO, Angie serves as Chief Evolutionary Officer over every adventure and personally curates each transformational experience.

Angie’s unique ability is merging the strategic vision of a CEO with the expansion of consciousness. Drawing on her own epic personal journey, she ushers “CEOs” through spiritual AND multi-dimensional growth. Each adventure is masterfully crafted to catalyze shifts at the deepest levels.

With her finely-tuned skills in connecting, collaborating and co-creating with powerful visionaries, Angie unlocks new realms of possibility. She awakens leaders who feel called to truly EVOLVE – spiritually, relationally, emotionally and beyond their previous limitations. 

Katherine Bird

Evolutionary Guide

A renowned shamanic and energetic medicine practitioner, Katherine Bird guides healers, leaders, and visionaries on the path of profound awakening and evolution. Her soul’s work is igniting others to embody their sacred gifts and unleash their magic upon the world.

With over two decades of experience, including her own intense spiritual emergence, Katherine compassionately shepherds people through the complexities of psychic openings, dark nights of the soul, and realizing their highest callings. Highly attuned, she sees straight to the core of your medicine and helps speak it into empowered expression.

Drawing from extensive training in Eastern and Western alchemical traditions, energy work, somatic practices, and shamanic modalities, Katherine offers embodied, multilayered mentorship. Whether supporting trauma healing, nervous system repair, or metaphysical mastery, she creates a safe container for radical transformation.

As a channel, Katherine illuminates your path of service, providing customized strategies to fulfill your soul’s purpose authentically – not confined by dogma. Her teachings impart technical skills while catalyzing essential inner work to shed limiting beliefs and integrate expanded states of consciousness.

In her private practice, published works like “The Healer’s Process”, and experiential trainings, Katherine mirrors your highest potential, fanning the sparks that allow you to blaze forth as the leader and creator you were born to be. With fierce devotion, she calls you to step into your true power and offer your greatest medicine to our world.